happy women with petals all around

Do you know your skintype?

Understand your skin better! In today’s world of too many adverts and brands, we all envy pretty/handsome models and Instagram influencers who are always in their best look! They always keep us glued to those digital screens for hours! Don’t they? Question yourself- What do you desire when you look at them? Fitness, diet, skincare,…

Ingrown hair- Laserpod London

Say bye to Ingrown hair

Ingrown hair problem? Do you hate that feeling when suddenly you feel that something is wrong in the middle of the day? Oh no! it’s back again! It is starting to pain and soon it will get extremely uncomfortable! Yes, I am talking about ingrown hair! The uninvited guest. The worst feeling! Can you relate…

skin routine and skin treatment

Let your skin speak for you!

Make your skin your best friend! Every day comes with its own challenges. The biggest one is taking care of yourself. Life is so fast-paced. Everyone is just running around. We don’t even realize what we are losing on! You are stressed or just tired, people can see that through your skin! Do you agree?…

woman at beachside-sun protection, moisturizer

Summer Essential- A Moisturizer!

Moisturizing in summers- yay or nay? Finally, the sun is shining bright! Our prayers have been heard, yeyyi! Summer is officially here! I know how eager you all must be to enjoy the warmth on a beautiful day. Going to a beachside, having pool parties, going to adventure parks and what not. But you should…

Testimonial by happy clients

Our reward- Happy clients!

Your satisfaction is our victory! Creating a diary of happy clients is what we aspire. What’s more rewarding than hearing good feedback from your lovely clients. Right? We are so grateful for having such contented clients with us who are not just satisfied but also return to us for various other treatments! And that’s what…